"Children have the right to grow up in a healthy environment
which provides facilities for them to grow and develop"
This is a serious problem
in both countries. In the United Kingdom there are problems with litter,
chemical fumes in the air from car exhausts and factory chimneys,
rubbish in rivers and many other problems.
In Uganda dirty water
is a big problem and can be very dangerous. Babies and young children
especially need clean drinking water because the germs from polluted
water will make them ill. Illnesses caused by dirty water are diarrhoea,
dysentery, cholera, typhoid, jaundice, worms and bilharzia. Water
can be contaminated by animals bathing and using rivers as a toilet,
people washing clothes in the river and throwing rubbish into it and
also by taking water out of rivers in dirty containers.
picture shows a system of two glass jars or demijohns, the top
one with holes in the bottom. Layers (from top to bottom)
- 21cm
fine sand
- 10cm
course gravel
- 10cm
broken bricks to prevent the gravel and sand washing though
Beaver Scouts
could filter some water using plant pots with holes in the bottom,
some stones, coarse gravel and some fine sand or you could use
plastic bottles.
the bottom off one bottle, place the wire over the neck, then
put in larger pebbles, coarse sand and then fine sand in layers.
Pour the muddy water into the cut off bottom and at the other
end clean water will drip into a dish or a plate. Remember although
the water has been filtered it still contains bacterial. You could
boil the water for 20 minutes to purify it. |
What pollution do
people produce in your neighbourhood? For example, dropping litter,
dumping rubbish. The Beaver Scouts can make anti-pollution posters and
display them in public places such as shop windows, school halls and
supermarkets (with permission).
You will need lots
of clear glass jars
Ask the Beaver
Scouts where they could find water. This might include water from
the taps, bottles, rivers, wells, ponds and puddles. Go out and collect
water from some of these sources. You might do this as a Colony, or
it might be easier if the Leaders collect the water and bring it to
the following meeting.
Compare the water:
- What colour
is it?
- Which ones
look fit to drink?
- Are they fit
to drink?
- What kinds
of animals and plants rely on this water?
- What would
it be like if your water supply came from a river?
Grow some plants,
these might be just weeds, and water them with the different types of
water over a period of time. What happens to them? Which ones grow the
At the beginning
of a meeting stand some fresh, light coloured flowers in a vase with
water. Add some food colouring to the water and see if the flowers
change colour during the course of the evening. Talk with the Beaver
Scouts about what this would mean if the flowers were vegetables and
the food colouring was actually poisonous chemicals.
In Uganda there are 11 game reserves and four National Parks. They are
now trying to save the animals from the hunters and poachers.
Ask the Beaver Scouts to bring to the Colony pictures
of wild animals. Let them talk about these and then encourage each
Beaver Scout to contribute their picture to a Colony frieze.
Visit a local zoo and see if you can identify animals
that would be found in Uganda. Make a frieze of what you have seen.
Draw tree trunks and cut hand prints for the leaves. The animals can
be hiding in the undergrowth.
Perhaps the Beaver Scouts are too big to play with
the toy zoo animals they were given when they were small. You can
still have some fun with them, though. If you can find an old soup
plate - the kind that has a deep area in the centre with a rim all
round it then the Beaver Scouts can make their own miniature jungle!
Collect leaves, moss, grasses and arrange them on the plate. Small twigs
will stand upright if they are put in plasticine or blu-tac. Small mirrors
can be used to represent water-holes.
Try to encourage the Beaver Scouts to collect a variety of habitats
for the animals but in doing so remember not to destroy your local
plant life. Using the diagrams and templates which you can download
try out some of these activities with your Beaver Scouts.
- Elephant -
finger puppets, masks, thank you cards.
- Giraffe - giraffe
- Lions - puppets/masks
- Animal masks
- Join the dots
Give all Beaver
Scouts the names of wild animals and sit them on chairs around the room.
One Beaver Scout is picked to be a hunter and a chair is removed. The
Leader calls out names of animals and they have to get up and follow
the Leader round the hall when 'Hunter's Coming' is called, Beaver Scouts
run and find a chair. The Beaver Scout left without a chair becomes
the hunter.
- A Beaver Scout
or the Leader is chosen to be an animal (and wears the appropriate
mask). The remaining Beaver Scouts (who are also wearing masks)
are also animals.
- The one chosen
Beaver Scout or Leader sits in the den or lair at one end of the
room while the remaining group are at the other end.
- The large group
ask 'what time is it Mr Monkey' (name depending on the mask).
- If the monkey
says 'four o'clock' the group take four steps forward, if he says
two o'clock they take two steps forward and so on, they continue
asking the question getting closer and closer.
- But if the
monkey calls out 'It's dinner time' he jumps up and tries to catch
some of the other animals who can run to the safety of their own
home at far end of the room.
In Uganda people
often have two or three jobs. The country is very poor and people are
very badly paid so they have to look for other ways to earn money to
keep their families fed and clothed. For example a qualified teacher
in Uganda earns only £5.00 per month. Sometimes men have to leave their
families during the week and go to work in the towns. The women are
left to look after the shambas, (small family farms), and often sell
surplus food in the markets.
Ask the Beaver Scouts to think of all the jobs that keep our lives going
on everyday, milkman, postman, refuse collector, teacher, bus driver,
farmer and shopkeeper. Perhaps each one could be represented by a symbol
for instance a piece of chalk for a teacher, stamp for a postman, milk
bottle top for a milkman and so on.
Play a Kim's game by hiding each symbol under a paper cup. Then the
Beaver Scouts are to be the postman and see if the correct symbol can
be found. Ask the Beaver Scouts what jobs they would like to do. If
they had to do another job, which one would they choose? Children in
Uganda have to work too, helping their mothers collect firewood and
carry water from the pump or well. Do the Beaver Scouts help mum and
dad at home?
Farming in Uganda mostly consists of small family farms or shambas.
There are no farm vehicles and the land has to be ploughed and seeds
sown by hand.
Take the Beaver Scouts to visit an allotment, a market garden or
someone's garden, if it is big enough and they are brave enough to
let the Beaver Scouts near their fruit and vegetables! Look to see
how they grow. Do they grow above the soil? Or below the soil?
What part of the fruit or vegetable do we eat? Can it be eaten raw
or do we have to cook it? It may be a surprise to some of the Beaver
Scouts that fruit and vegetables don't come in boxes from shops or
prepacked in plastic bags.
At harvest time try to get some examples of barley, wheat and oats.
Invite a farmer to come along and tell the Beaver Scouts how he grows
and harvests the grain, which parts are used and what they become.
In the United Kingdom most farming is mechanised. In Uganda it is
all done by hand so there are lots more farmers.
Do the Beaver Scouts know that these grains are from the same family
of crops as the cereals they put into a bowl in the morning and eat
with milk? You could look at the cereals we eat for breakfast and find
out what they are - you may have some surprises too!
Have a vote to see which is the most popular breakfast cereal in
each Lodge or in the Colony. Each Lodge can then make up an advert
for their favourite cereal. |