Programme ideas
1.Compare the differences between the two systems of water
supply and waste disposal. How do you think you and your family
would manage in Uganda?
Contact the National Rivers Authority or local council and
arrange for a speaker to discuss the matter? Or better still,
why not visit a sewage farm and see for yourself!
2. Keep a record of the amount of water you use in a day.
This can be achieved by counting the number of times you flush
the toilet, have a shower or bath, do the washing-up or clean
the Unit minibus and so on. Estimate the volume of water used
by the Unit every week. Calculate how many trips you would need
to make the local river to collect your water if you lived in
3. Make a list of things you can do to save water:
For example not leaving the tap running when you clean your
teeth. Not filling a washing up bowl with water when there are
only a few cups to wash (does this happen on Unit night? or don't
the mugs get washed anyway!) Having a shower rather than a bath. |